Queer Rhythms: The Makings of Race & Rehearsal

queer_rhythmsThree participants from the Spring 2014 CSSC/CRG Dissertation Workshop Retreat will present work from their in-progress dissertations at the Center for Race and Gender’s first Thursday Forum event of the Fall 2014 semester, co-sponsored by the Center for the Study of Sexual Culture. This event is free and open to the public.  Location is wheelchair accessible. More info: http://crg.berkeley.edu/content/queer-rhythms

Moderated by Professor Mel Chen, Gender and Women’s Studies.

1. Ordinary Failures: Reciting Diaspora
Ianna Hawkins Owen, African American Studies

2. A Lover’s Scream: Latina Lesbian Desire, Queer Ethics, and the Mariachi-Punk of Las Cucas
Ivan Ramos, Performance Studies

3. Movement from the Underground: Rerouting the Birth of Waacking/Punking
Naomi Bragin, Performance Studies
